New Feature Release: Azure / Office 365 Support and On-Demand Password Rotation with IT Glue
Azure and Office 365 support for cloud-only accounts
• Connect an Azure or Office 365 tenant to a CyberQP customer
• Check out what’s supported in the Azure / Office 365 integration
IT Glue Integration: On-Demand Password Rotation
• Now you can manually trigger password rotations for one or more accounts in a CyberQP customer at any time. Learn how to rotate admin password on-demand here.
IT Glue Integration: Enable and Disable All Password Rotations
• We made it easier for you to manage your password rotations by selecting multiple or all admin accounts at once for a customer to enable and disable auto password rotations.
IT Glue Integration: Disconnect Admin User Account from IT Glue Password Entry
• Easily disconnect an admin account from an IT Glue password entry in the admin user screen via the right-hand side menu. Learn how to do it here.