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May 14, 2021: New Feature Release

  • Product Releases

New Feature Release

Spring is starting to warm things up. CyberQP has some further enhancements to the Connectwise integration, the ability to send a password reset link to end-users, reporting updates and a number of system optimizations as we continue to focus on product improvements and enhancements.

Connectwise Manage Integration Updates

  • Added new Company Type and Status filters to pre-filter Match Customers screen results to improve performance.
Connectwise companies modal

  • Added Send Password Reset Link to Connectwise Manage Service ticket and CyberQP Dashboard in the End-User Accounts menu. You can now send a temporary one-time password reset link to End-Users via E-mail or SMS.
Connectwise pod with send password reset link
send password reset link modal

For more information visit:

– https://support.getquickpass.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500010869781-How-to-Send-Password-Reset-Link-in-Connectwise-Manage-Service-Tickets— https://support.getquickpass.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500010875981-How-to-Send-Password-Reset-Link-to-End-Users

Reports Menu

  • CyberQP Password Vault customers can now export stored passwords in a CSV file from the reports menu.
  • Added matched IT Glue Password Entry Name to the Self-Serve Status CSV file in the reports menu
  • Added matched IT Glue organization names to the Customers Status CSV file in the reports menu.
Reports screen


  • Added option to change default end-user facing screens and notifications to Dutch.
Self-serve password Reset options

  • Added support for two new Active Directory and Local Windows Account Statuses in the self-serve apps including “User must change password at next login” and “User cannot change password”.

Dashboard – Customers Screen

  • Replaced Active Directory, Office 365 and Local Account logos in the top left hand corner of the customers screen to a standardized view that shows icons for AD, O365 and Local at all times and the associated status of each rather than conditionally showing different larger icons without a status.
New icons on dashboard

Release Notes

For a complete list of all updates and bug fixes please visit https://support.getquickpass.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500010725142-Release-Notes-05-13-21