End User Elevation

Streamline admin access for end users and fortify against malware attacks and unauthorized system changes.

Unrestricted Admin Access for End Users Is a Recipe for Disaster.

As businesses increasingly rely on continuous access to digital resources, Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and help desks must balance security by limiting administrative privileges across their customer base without adding friction to the end user’s support experience.

Users with persistent admin access in a business environment expose their organization to severe security risks, including malware infections, data breaches, and unintended system changes.

CyberQP End User Elevation (QElevate) simplifies Endpoint Privilege Management for help desks.

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Secure Your Customer Workforce Responsibly

Technician team managers using CyberQP can grant temporary admin access to ensure users can take the actions they need to get back to work.

Ensure your customers aren’t exposing themselves to severe security risks. CyberQP’s automations automatically revert elevated users to standard permissions, minimizing the risk of linger elevated privileges.

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Create a 24/7 Frictionless Support Experience

Enable your end users to activate their temporary admin access on their own time and complete necessary tasks like software installation or system updates, without relying on technician intervention.

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Ready to Get Started?

Learn how CyberQP can automate your help desk.