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Introducing QElevate: Intuitive Endpoint Privilege Management for MSPs

  • Product Releases

Since the beginning, CyberQP has focused on offering the most robust privileged access management solution for Managed Service Providers and help desks. Today, we’re adding a critical capability to help our partners secure their end users – End User Elevation.

QElevate gives CyberQP partners an Endpoint Privilege Management (EPM) with enterprise-grade capabilities, but without the complexities that come with legacy privilege elevation products.

Deter Malware Infections and Insider Threats

Unrestricted admin access for customers is a recipe for disaster. MSPs that provision persistent admin accounts to end users can expose them to severe security risks, including malware infections, data breaches, and unintended system changes.

However, requiring least privileges for end users can also create friction. If an end user doesn’t have the access they need to complete software updates, or install solutions they need for day-to-day work (like QuickBooks, for example), it creates a frustrating experience for both the customer and the technician, who has to resolve the tickets and manually intervene to complete these system changes.

That’s why help desk technicians need an elevation solution to both balance customer security and efficiency.

Implement Time-Controlled Admin Access with Endpoint Privilege Management

MSPs and help desks that are concerned about establishing proper controls for administrator access have probably heard the acronym “EPM” floating around. Officially, that stands for Endpoint Privilege Management. From our perspective, that means 3 things:

  1. Providing end users with the admin access they need, and only for as long as they need it.
  2. Making it easy to implement for help desks, and easy to elevate end users.
  3. Giving technicians visibility into end user activity, to ensure they’re only taking authorized actions.

One Agent To Manage All Admin Privileges

When we developed End User Elevation, we also wanted to solve one common problem our partners were running into.

“We love what you do, but running two agents for PAM and elevation is hard on our systems.”

For CyberQP, end user elevation is an extension of what we’ve always done. We’re excited to give our partners one agent to simplify managing their admin accounts and end user privileges.

What Comes Next

While we’ve hit the ground running with CyberQP End User Elevation, we want to make sure we’re providing a great experience for the technicians actually using this solution. Looking ahead, we want to bring QElevate’s capabilities to our PSA integrations, so that technicians can issue temporary admin access without leaving their ticketing workflow.

Get Started with QElevate

We’re incredibly excited to help our partners get started. If you’d like to see what CyberQP End User Elevation can do for you, you can schedule a call with your Channel Account Manager.

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